The College held its Annual Leavers’ Luncheon on Saturday in what was a befitting send-off for the fine young men and women who are currently finishing their O’ and A-Level exams. Our guest of honour was a former student and current general manager of Ecocash Zimbabwe, Mrs Sophia Myers.

Mrs Myers imparted some words of wisdom onto the leavers, encouraging them to continue working hard and applying the Ignatian ethos wherever they go, which are centred on the 4Cs, namely Competence, Compassion, Conscience, and Commitment. She warned the leavers to be careful of who they become friends with, now that they are entering the world, as they are people who are out to exploit other people. The school headmaster, Mr Muganga, echoed the same sentiments, urging the leavers to remain disciplined and act responsibly as they go out into the world.

Afterwards, the audience was treated to some light-hearted valedictorian speeches that had people cracking up with laughter. The speeches were recited by Ednah Jack and Mufudzi Nherera, with the pair sharing their experiences of the college from day one albeit in a comical way.  Thereafter, the guest of honour, Mrs Myers and the Deputy Headmaster Mr Chihwanda took part in the presentation of certificates to the leavers.

All in all, it was a joyful event as we bade farewell to the young men and women who we have imparted with Ignatian ethos and now leave the college ready to take on the world. To the departing leavers we say, go out there and “set the world on fire”.