U6 Leavers’ Luncheon

The College held its Annual Upper Six Leavers’ Luncheon in what was a befitting sendoff for the departing A-Level classes. The event featured sumptuous food as well as emotional speeches from the outgoing prefects.

The guest of honor was Mrs Mahachi, who delivered a powerful speech that was focused on motivating the learners to aim high and continue working hard so they can succeed in life. Mr. Charandura, representing the SDC, also had some wise words for the students, urging the Upper Sixes to be more responsible now that they are entering into a world that is very different from the protective College they had grown accustomed to.

All in all, it was a memorable event for our Upper Sixes who have now grown to become men and women ready to set the world on fire. We would like to wish them well in their future endeavors. #AMDG