Appointment of an Interim Executive Committee of SICAA

The above subject matter refers.

As a College we appreciate the important role our alumni plays in the life of the school both in terms of maintaining the tradition and also innovating for the future given the vast amount of exposure that is in that body. For this reason, there is an ex-officio seat for the Alumni President on the College’s Board of Governors.

Since the Covid-19 era, it has not been easy to get alumni properly represented nor to work together as we envision. We are aware of the internal and constitutional hurdles that have hampered progress. In a bid to resolve that seeming impasse, the College has decided to create a transitional executive committee whose role is to oversee the re-igniting of that fire which is waiting to burst into flames in many of our alumni.

The mandate of this committee is to mobilize the alumni body, call for a decisive meeting that will serve the same purpose as an AGM, and thus elect a new committee with a fresh mandate to run the affairs of alumni which include bringing alumni together to network among themselves, fostering mutual support among alumni (business to business), organize alumni into a body that participates in the life of the school through mentorship and funding of certain projects etc. For this interim committee I hereby make the following appointments:

Arthur Garande – Chairman
Engie Chafa-Govha – Secretary
Chris Mhike – Legal advisor
Synodia Mahachi – Public Relations

I hope you find this arrangement agreeable and will give it your maximum support.

Yours Sincerely
Prof. Fr. L. Daka SJ
Rector and Responsible Authority