Consultation is a short meeting between the parents and teachers of students to discuss children’s progress at school and find solutions to academic or behavioral problems. The major focus is on students’ specific strengths and weaknesses in individual subjects. The consultation takes place without the presence of the students whose progress is being discussed. There can however be exceptional cases where it is felt that a student must accompany their parent because their performance or behaviour is a great cause of concern. The meetings are generally led by teachers who take a more active role in information sharing. Parents are however not just passive listeners, they are also encouraged to share information that might lead to better understanding of the student and how the student can be assisted to improve.

Consultation for forms two, four and six is conducted during the second term while that for forms one, three and five is conducted during third term.

Parents are however urged not to wait for consultation day if they have any important issue to discuss concerning their child; they can approach the school head to set an appointment.